
This method is used to create a Product.




This method has the path /catalog/<version>/product.create and follows the MicroBase API calling conventions.

Argument Required Type Example Description
sku yes String 001017730838228085 Unique stock keeping unit identifier.
status yes String DRAFT Status of the Product [ONLINE, DRAFT]. Only ONLINE Products are indexed and salable.
title yes String Two sided frigo Product title to show in the store.
description no String Long description for this product Product description.
brand no String LG The Product Brand.
categories yes String List ['001', '002'] A list of Category IDs the Product belongs to.
prices no Object List [{"price:{"amount": 11995,"currency": "EUR"}, "restrictions":{country:"UK"}}] A list of prices with restrictions.
isNetPrice no Boolean true Defines the price as Net of Gross. Defaults to false.
stockStatus yes Number 0 [0/1/2] (0: NORMAL, 1:UNLIMITED, 2:DISCONTINUED)
medias no Object List [{id: '100x100', url: 'http:\/\/'}] List of urls pointing to images.
classifications no Object List [{id: 'color', value: 'Grey'}] If the Product belogs to a Category with classifications, a list of classification values.
base no String HJ4g4fACrH In a Variant Product, the Parent Product id.
variations no Object List [{id: 'color', value: 'Blue'}, {id: 'size', value: '15'}] In a Variant Product, the value of the modifiers.
modifiers no Object List ['color', 'size'] In a Base Product, a list of product modifiers.
taxCode no String vat-7 Tax code applicable to this product. Defaults to 'default'.


A list of price objects.

Argument Required Type Example Description
price yes Object {"amount": 11995, "currency": "EUR"} The Product base price.
restrictions no Object {country:"UK"} The restrictions to apply to this Price.


Argument Required Type Example Description
amount yes Numeric 10000 The amount. In minimum units (cents for precision 2)
currency yes String EUR The currency code (ISO 4217)
precision yes Numeric 2 Currency dependant precision (USD=2, JPY=0, JOD=3)


Argument Required Type Example Description
country no String US The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
customerType no String VIP The Customer type (VIP, B2B, B2C)
channel no String WEB The channel the Customer is using (WEB, MOBILE, Physical store ID)
validFrom no Date 2016-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000 Date start (inclusive) for the validy period of this Price.
validUntil no Date 2017-12-31T23:59:59.000+0000 Date end (inclusive) for the validy period of this Price.


A list of image urls for this Product.

Argument Required Type Example Description
id yes String 100x100 An object identifier.
url yes String http:\/\/ The media url.


If the product belongs to a Category with classifications, the Product classifications field should contain the classification values for the classifications defined in the Category.

Argument Required Type Example Description
id yes String color An object identifier.
value yes String Grey The classification value.


If the product is a Base Product, the modifiers field contains the name of the modifiers the Variant Products should have in the variations field.

Argument Required Type Example Description
id yes String color An object identifier.
value yes String Grey The classification value.


If the product is a Variation Product, the variations field contains the values for the Base Product modifiers.

Argument Required Type Example Description
id yes String color An object identifier.
value yes String Blue The Variation value.


Returns a Product object:

  "ok": true,
  "product": { 
    "id" : "HJ4g4fACrH", 
    "base" : "SJ64fAAHH", 
    "sku" : "001017730838228085", 
    "title" : "Gel Noosa Tri 11", 
    "description" : "A long description for this shoes", 
    "brand" : "Asics", 
    "prices" : [
        "price": {
          "amount": 11995,
          "currency": "EUR",
          "precision": 2
        "restrictions": {
          "country": "DK"  
    "isNetPrice" : false, 
    "taxCode" : "default", 
    "status" : "ONLINE", 
    "stockStatus" : 0,
    "classifications" : [
      { "id" : "color", "value" : "Multicolor" }, 
      { "id" : "genre", "value" : "hombre" }
    "medias" : [
      {"id": "100x100", "url": ""},
      {"id": "350x150", "url": ""}    
    "categories" : [


Expected errors that this method could return. Some errors return additional data.

Error Data Description
max_categories_per_product_reached The max number The categories count exceed the limit per Product
category_not_found The Category id The Category was not found
missing_classification The Classification id The Classification was not found and it's mandatory
empty_classification_value The Classification id The Classification value is missing and it's mandatory
classification_value_not_a_boolean The Classification id The Classification value must be a boolean
classification_value_not_a_number The Classification id The Classification value must be a number
inconsistent_base_variants_data - A Product must be a Base or a Variant (Cannot mix variants/modifiers with Base product/variations)
inconsistent_base_variations_data - A Variant must have a Base product and variations data
base_product_not_found The Product id not found The Base product was not found
variation_data_not_found The modifier name not found The Variant must have the modifier value (a variation)
no_modifiers_found - A Base Product must provide at least one modifier
variant_not_found The Variant id not found The Variant product was not found
price_missing - The price is mandatory
price_invalid The invalid price The price is < 0.00
price_currency_invalid The invalid currency The currency is not part of the ISO 4217
price_country_invalid The invalid country The country is not part of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
price_valid_dates The invalid date/s The dates are invalid (ie: The until date is before the from date)


curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:3000/services/catalog/v1/product.create \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxx...' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"sku": "0006", "title": "Product 001 title", 
           "description": "Product 001 description", "price": [{"amount": 119.95,"currency": "EUR", "presicion": 2}]}'


A Product creation fires a CREATE event in the PRODUCTS channel.


Property Description
new The new Product created
data The request data used to crate the Product