This method is used to update Product data.
This method has the path /catalog/<version>/product.update
follows the MicroBase API calling conventions.
Argument | Required | Type | Example | Description |
id | no | String | HJ4g4fACrH | The id of the Product to update. |
Updatable fields
See product.create for a fields description.
Name | |
sku | |
title | |
description | |
status | |
brand | |
taxCode | |
stockStatus | |
base | |
categories | |
prices | |
isNetPrice | |
medias | |
classifications | |
modifiers | |
variants | |
variations |
Returns a Product object:
"ok": true,
"product": {
"id" : "HJ4g4fACrH",
"base" : "SJ64fAAHH",
"sku" : "001017730838228085",
"title" : "Gel Noosa Tri 11",
"description" : "A long description for this shoes",
"brand" : "Asics",
"prices" : [
"amount": 119.95,
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "DK"
"isNetPrice" : false,
"taxCode" : "default",
"status" : "ONLINE",
"stockStatus" : 0,
"classifications" : [
{ "id" : "color", "value" : "Multicolor" },
{ "id" : "genre", "value" : "hombre" }
"medias" : [
{"id": "100x100", "url": ""},
{"id": "350x150", "url": ""}
"categories" : [
Expected errors that this method could return. Some errors return additional data.
Error | Data | Description |
product_not_found | The id not found | The Product was not found |
category_not_found | The Category id | The Category was not found |
missing_classification | The Classification id | The Classification was not found and it's mandatory |
empty_classification_value | The Classification id | The Classification value is missing and it's mandatory |
classification_value_not_a_boolean | The Classification id | The Classification value must be a boolean |
classification_value_not_a_number | The Classification id | The Classification value must be a number |
inconsistent_base_variants_data | - | A Product must be a Base or a Variant (Cannot mix variants/modifiers with Base product/variations) |
inconsistent_base_variantions_data | - | A Variant must have a Base product and variations data |
base_product_not_found | The Product id not found | The Base product was not found |
variation_data_not_found | The modifier name not found | The Variant must have the modifier value (a variation) |
no_modifiers_found | - | A Base Product must provide at least one modifier |
variant_not_found | The Variant id not found | The Variant product was not found |
product_not_saved | - | The product was not updated |
price_invalid | The invalid price | The price is < 0.00 |
price_currency_invalid | The invalid currency | The currency is not part of the ISO 4217 |
price_country_invalid | The invalid country | The country is not part of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
price_valid_dates | The invalid date/s | The dates are invalid (ie: The until date is before the from date) |
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:3000/services/catalog/v1/product.update?id=HJ4g4fACrH \
--header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxx...' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"title": "CGel Noosa Tri 11 by Asics", "prices": [{"amount": 119.95,"currency": "EUR"}]}'
A Product creation fires a UPDATE
event in the PRODUCTS
Property | Description |
data | The request data used to update the Product |
old | The Product as was before the update |
new | The new updated Product |