Customer Service

Ecommerce Customer service, part of the microbase ecosystem.


  • Customers and addresses management (create, read, update and delete operations).
  • Check customers credentials.


The Customer entity holds the information about customers and their addresses.


Field Description Type Required Default
id Internal unique Customer identifier String yes System generated
email Customer email. String yes
password Customer password. String yes
firstName Customer first name. String yes
lastName Customer last name. String yes
status Status of the customer. ACTIVE or INACTIVE. String no ACTIVE
tags Tags associated to the customer. String no
addresses Customer addresses Object List no


Field Description Type Required Default
id Internal unique Address identifier String yes System generated
name Address name. String yes
firstName Customer first name. String yes
lastName Customer last name. String no
address_1 Address information. String yes
address_2 Aditional address information. String no
postCode Address post code String yes
city Address city String yes
state Address state String yes
country Address country String yes
company Name of the company String no
phone Address phone String no
instructions Aditional instrucctions for the address String no


The full API documentation can be accessed in the microbase web