MicroBase is an ecommerce platform ecosystem that allows the development of the ecommerce store backends. The architecture embraces the microservices paradigm, so the services are organized as a separate projects.
Each service is executed in a separate environment and it communicates with the others via http and/or messaging. To know where the other service is, Consul is used as a registry.
To efectively reach the other service the calls are redirected via an NGINX gateway.
Example add to Cart call
- Single or bulk add to Cart
- Stock checking available per product
- Define max number of items
- Define max number of items per Product in Cart
- Aggregate same products or add them as a single line each
- Abandonment handling
- Hierarchical Categories
- Category Classifications
- Variants
- Indexing and faceted search
- Taxes per product
- Stock status per product
- Customers and addresses management (create, read, update and delete operations).
- Check customers credentials.
- API tokens
- User tokens
- Default implementations for some providers
- Easy implement your own gateway
- Multiple promotions firing per cart
- Per Product, Product Category, Order or User data firing
- DSL to allow complex conditions, with "ALL" and/or "ANY" nested conditions
- Almost fullfilled promotion detection with optional thresholds
- Easily creation of custom firing conditions
- Gathers and process 'Also viewd' products
- Warehose enabled
- Reservation system available with expiration times
- Net and gross calculations
- Easily creation of custom taxes, based on Cart, Products and User data