This method is used to list the Products, filering the results and selecting the fields returned.
This method has the path /catalog/<version>/product.list
follows the MicroBase API calling conventions.
Argument | Required | Type | Example | Description |
id | no | String List | HJ4g4fACrH | Comma separated Products ids list. |
sku | no | String List | A00123321,A8778122 | Comma separated skus list. |
title | no | String | shoe | Title /${title}/i regex expression. |
description | no | String | flexible shoe | Description /${description}/i regex expression. |
status | no | String List | ONLINE | Comma separated status list. |
brand | no | String | Asics | Brand /${brand}/i regex expression. |
taxCode | no | String List | default,vat7 | Comma separated taxCodes list. |
stockStatus | no | String | 0,1 | Comma separated stockStatus list. |
isNetPrice | no | Boolean | true | Net/Gross price. |
base | no | String List | Ji4g3fACrH | Comma separaded Product ids list. |
categories | no | String List | SkeZVQsV, BJ4SBQsE | Comma separaded Categories ids list. | | no | String | BygVL5CF7x | Comma separaded price ids list. |
prices.price.currency | no | String | USD | Comma separaded currencies list. | | no | String | US | Comma separaded countries list. |
prices.restrictions.customerType | no | String | B2C | Comma separaded Customer types list. | | no | String | WEB | Comma separaded channels list. | | no | String | 100x100 | Comma separaded medias list. |
fields | no | String List | title,price | Comma separated field list to return. |
limit | no | Number | 5 | Maximum number of documents to return. Defaults to 10 |
skip | no | Number | 10 | Skips over the first specified number of documents. Defaults to 0 . |
Returns a page:
"ok": true,
"page": {
"limit": 10,
"skip": 0
"data": [
"id" : "HJ4g4fACrH",
"title" : "Noosa Tri 11",
"prices" : [{ "price": {"amount": 11995, "currency": "EUR", "precision": 2}}]
"id" : "WfR5TfACr1",
"title" : "Gel",
"prices" : [{ "price": {"amount": 9900, "currency": "EUR", "precision": 2}}]
Expected errors that this method could return. Some errors return additional data.
Error | Data | Description |
curl --request GET \
--url 'http://localhost:3000/services/catalog/v1/product.list?title=frigo&fields=sku,title,path' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxx...' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'