
This method is used to decrement the Stock in a Warehouse and (optionally) create a Reserve.


This method has the path /catalog/<version>/stock.reserve and follows the MicroBase API calling conventions.

Argument Required Type Example Description
productId yes String HJ4g4fACrH The Product id to reserve.
warehouseId yes String 001 The Warehouse id to get info on.
quantity yes Number 1 The quantity to reserve.
reserveStockForMinutes no Number 1440 The time until the Reserve expires.

The service allows to send a timeout (reserveStockForMinutes) for the reserve. If you don't send it, or the service doesn't allow an overwrite of the default one (allowReserveTimeOverwrite config), the minutesToReserve config is used.


Returns a Reserve object if the System is configured to make reservations (The Stock is decremented and a Reserve is created):

    "ok": true,
    "reserve": {
        "id": "H1ugxlYO",
        "warehouseId": "001",
        "quantity": 1,
        "expirationTime": "2016-07-29T15:22:08.285Z"

Returns a warning if the System is not configured to make reservations (The Stock is decremented, but no Reserve is created):

    "ok": true,
    "warning": "stock_verified_but_not_reserved"


Expected errors that this method could return. Some errors return additional data.

Error Data Description
stock_not_found - The Stock was not found
minimum_quantity_not_met Minimum quantity Th Minimum reserve quantity was ont met
not_enough_stock - There is not enough stock for the Product/Warehouse
concurrency_error - There was a concurrency error and the Stock was not reserved


curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/services/catalog/v1/stock.reserve?productId=HJ4g4fACrH&warehouseId=001 \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxx...' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"quantity": 1, "reserveStockForMinutes": 1440}'