This method is used to update an existent Tax.
This method has the path /tax/<version>/tax.update
follows the MicroBase API calling conventions.
Argument | Required | Type | Example | Description |
id | yes | String | rJGOMDf | Tax database identifier. |
code | no | String | default | Code to be used as a reference in the Product. |
class | no | String | default | Identifier to the implementation code (i.e.: default.js). |
title | no | String | VAT 10% | Tax description. |
description | no | String | Description | Tax description. |
rate | no | Number | 10 | Number to be used in the calculations (i.e.: 10%). |
isPercentage | no | Boolean | false | Is the tax a percentage or a fixed amount? Defaults to true. |
Returns a Tax object:
"ok": true,
"tax": {
"id": "HJs04P45",
"code": "default",
"class": "default",
"title": "IVA 10%",
"rate": 10,
"isPercentage": true
Expected errors that this method could return. Some errors return additional data.
Error | Data | Description |
tax_not_found | The data causing the error | Tax to update not found |
tax_has_products_associated | The data causing the error | Tax to update has products associated |
validation_error | The data causing the error | Some validation error |
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:3000/services/tax/v1/tax.update \
--header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxx...' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"id": "HJs04P45", "code": "default", "class": "default", "title": "VAT 10%", \
"rate": 10, "isPercentage": true \