Catalog Service

Ecommerce Catalog service, part of the microbase ecosystem.


  • Hierarchical Categories
  • Category Classifications
  • Variants
  • Indexing and faceted search
  • Taxes per product
  • Stock status per product



Items you could add to the Cart.

    "id" : "HJ4g4fACrH", 
    "base" : "SJ64fAAHH", 
    "sku" : "001017730838228085", 
    "title" : "Gel Noosa Tri 11", 
    "description" : "A long description for this shoes", 
    "brand" : "Asics", 
    "prices" : [
        "price": {
          "amount": 11995,
          "currency": "EUR"
        "restrictions": {
          "country": "DK"  
    "isNetPrice" : false, 
    "taxCode" : "default", 
    "status" : "ONLINE", 
    "stockStatus" : 0,
    "classifications" : [
        { "id" : "color", "value" : "Multicolor" }, 
        { "id" : "genre", "value" : "hombre" }
    "medias" : [
        {"id": "100x100", "url": ""},
        {"id": "350x150", "url": ""}    
    "categories" : [


The Categories allows the Product organization in an hierarchically way.

    "id" : "B1-Zr45Br", 
    "path" : "ROOT.rJWB4cSr.Bkx-rNcHH.B1-Zr45Br", 
    "parent" : "Bkx-rNcHH", 
    "title" : "Sport Shoes", 
    "description" : "Sport Shoes", 
    "slug" : "sport-shoes", 
    "classifications" : [
            "id" : "color", 
            "description" : "Color", 
            "type" : "STRING", 
            "mandatory" : true
            "id" : "genre", 
            "description" : "Female/Male/Kids", 
            "type" : "STRING", 
            "mandatory" : false
            "id" : "footprint", 
            "description" : "Motion mechanics", 
            "type" : "STRING", 
            "mandatory" : false

The ROOT default Category is the parent of all Categories.

  +--- Electronics
       +--- Televisions
            +--- 4K
            +--- OLED
       +--- Audio
       +--- Cameras
  +--- Computers
       +--- Monitors
       +--- Networking


When you have the same product in several sizes and/or color you could use the Variants System.

The Variants System allows to create a parent product and one or more child products, each of one have a different set of characteristics.

Base product

Not saleable Product that serves as a parent for Variants Products. They define the set of characteristic the Variants will differ

Base example

  "sku": "0001",
  "title": "Very nice shoe",
  "modifiers": [
  "variants": [


Products that belong to a Base Product and differ in some characteristic (like color or size)

Variant example

  "sku": "1001",
  "title": "Very nice blue shoes",
  "base": "0001",
  "variations": [
    {"id": "color", "value": "Blue"},
    {"id": "size", "value": "15"}
  "sku": "1002",
  "title": "Very nice green shoes",
  "base": "0001",
  "variations": [
    {"id": "color", "value": "Green"},
    {"id": "size", "value": "15"}
  "sku": "1002",
  "title": "Very nice green big shoes",
  "base": "0001",
  "variations": [
    {"id": "color", "value": "Green"},
    {"id": "size", "value": "25"}


The Products can belong to Categories with a Classification System defined. In that case, the Product must fill the classifications defined in the category. The Classification System could be used to provide a "faceted" navigation when the user search Products.

Category example

  "id": "C1", 
  "title": "Sports Shoes", 
  "classifications": [
    {"id": "color", "description": "Color", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false}, 
    {"id": "genre", "description": "Female/Male/Kids", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": true}, 
    {"id": "footprint", "description": "Motion mechanics", "type": "STRING", "mandatory": false} 

Product with Classifications example

  "sku": "2001",
  "title": "Very nice running shoes",
  "categories":[ "C1" ]
  "classifications": [
    {"id": "color", "value": "Blue"},
    {"id": "genre", "value": "Kids"},
    {"id": "footprint", "value": "Supinator"}


The system uses elasticsearch to index and search Products.


The full API documentation can be accessed in the microbase web