Promotion Service

Ecommerce Promotion service, part of the microbase ecosystem.


  • Multiple promotions firing per cart
  • Per Product, Product Category, Order or User data firing
  • DSL to allow complex conditions, with "ALL" and/or "ANY" nested conditions
  • Almost fullfilled promotion detection with optional thresholds
  • Easily creation of custom firing conditions


Promotions module aims to help companies gain new customers. It consists of //TODO complete introduction

Promotion Types

Promotions are classified in two main groups: Product promotions and Order promotions

Product promotions

Product promotions triggers depend on products from a cart or order.

Promotion Description Example
1 Bundle Purchase one of each product from a defined set for a combined total price. Buy A, B, and C for €50
2 Buy X get Y free Purchase a certain number of products from within a defined set and add further products from the same set at no additional cost. Buy one get one free.
3 Fixed price Purchase from within a defined set at a fixed unit price. All shirts €5 each.
4 Multi-buy Purchase a certain number of products from within a defined set for a fixed price. Buy any 3 shirts for €50.
5 Stepped multi-buy Purchase a number of products from within a defined set, there are multiple tiers of product quantities and fixed prices. Buy any 3 shirts for €50, 5 for €65, and 7 for €75.
6 Perfect partner Purchase a certain product from within a defined set and another partner product from a different defined set and pay a fixed price for the partner product. Buy a game for €10 with each games console.
7 One-to-one perfect partner bundle Purchase a certain product and another defined partner product for a fixed total price. The cart must contain the base product and the partner product to qualify. Buy this game and the selected partner accessory together for €25.00.
8 Perfect partner bundle Purchase a certain product along with a specified number of products from within a defined set for a combined total price. Buy a games console and 3 accessories for €200.
9 Percentage discount Receive a percentage discount on all products within a defined set. 20% off all cameras.

Order promotions

Order promotions triggers depend on the state of the cart or order at any given moment. That is, depends directly on cart attributes.

Promotion Description Example
1 Order threshold fixed discount A fixed value discount is applied to the order when the threshold order value is exceeded. Spend over €50 to receive a €3 discount.
2 Order threshold perfect partner Purchase a certain product from within a defined set for a fixed price when the threshold order value is exceeded. Spend over €50 to get any shirt for €5.
3 Order threshold free gift A free gift is added to the order when the threshold order value is exceeded. Spend over €50 to receive a free t-shirt.
4 Order threshold free voucher A free voucher is given out when the order reaches a certain value. Get a free €5 voucher when you spend over €150.00.
5 Order threshold change delivery mode A different delivery mode is applied to the order when the threshold order value is exceeded. Spend over €10 to get free shipping

Promotion triggers evaluation

Promotions are evaluated against a cart. From this evaluation, promotions can be resolved to be fired, or to be potentially fired. In this latter case, promotions that fulfill conditions to be triggered only to a certain extent (not completely), but enough to be interesting for a customer to be informed of the possibility of getting the advantages of the promotion if he buys more products to meet all promo conditions. A single product in a cart could be affected by many potentially fired promotions.

Promotions have a certainty factor that represents how close they are to be actually fired, being triggered on certainty == 1. The closer to 1, the closer they are to being fired.

Promotion priority

Promotions are evaluated in order depending on their priority value. This is important as products can only participate on 1 fired promotion from the set of potential promotions.

Appendix I: Special promotion types and cases

Perfect partner cheapest product percent discount

In every case to qualify for the discount twice you need to have a perfect pair, meaning 1 qualifying and 1 partner 1 discount. 2 qualifying and 2 partner 2 discounts.

Qualifying categories: Men Women - Partner categories: Men Women

Case 1

Cart contains 2 products: 1 men(10$) 1 women(5$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price product of the two, in this case it will be the women's (5$)

Case 2

Cart contains 3 products: 1 Men (10$) 1 women(12$) & 1 women (15$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price product of the three, in this case it will be the men (10$)

Case 3

Cart contains 4 products: 1Men 20$ 1 Men (10$) 1 women(12$) & 1 women (15$) the discount will be taken from the 2 lowest price products of the 4, in this case it will be the men (10$) & women (12$)

Qualifying categories: Men - Partner categories: Men

Case 1

Cart contains 2 products: 1 men (5$) & 1 men (10$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price product of the two, in this case it will be the men (5$)

Case 2

Cart contains 3 products: 1 Men (10$) 1 men(12$) & 1 men (15$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price product of the three, in this case it will be the men (10$)

Case 3

Cart contains 4 products: 1 Men 20$ 1 Men (10$) 1 men(12$) & 1 men (15$) the discount will be taken from the 2 lowest price products of the 4, in this case it will be the men (10$) & men (12$)

Qualifying categories: Men - Partner categories: Women

Case 1

Cart contains 2 products: 1 men (5$) & 1 women (10$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price women product, in this case it will be the women (10$)

Case 2

Cart contains 3 products: 1 men (5$) & 1 women (10$) 1 women (15$) the discount will be taken from the lowest price women product, in this case it will be the women (10$)

Case 3

Cart contains 4 products: 1 Men 20$ 1 Men 25$ 1 women(12$) & 1 women (15$) the discount will be taken from the 2 women's product , in this case it will be the women (15$) & women (12$)

Perfect partner percent discount

The same logic will apply for the perfect partner discount however the discount will come off of the highest price qualifying product.


In the examples page there is a compilation of rules and discounts for each of the promotions types mentioned in thei page.